Why the Name?
We are a company created for Germaphobes. Therefore, we knew we had to create a fitting name. Our original FreakWare product is designed for clients who feel like a "Freak" when keeping germs away from their silverWare. FreakWare is made so Germaphobes do not feel like freaks, and can now dine out while having Peace in Public™.
Watch this short video to see how easily germs spread restaurant tables.

How Does It Work?
Restaurants have been known to have dirty tables. Staff clean tables with the same dirty wet towel on every table. In the past few years, multiple restaurants have had employee's caught in the act of using a floor mop to clean your tables!!!
Can you imagine the amount of GERMS & BACTERIA on the table where you are eating?
FreakWare works by elevating your silverware from touching the table. Therefore, both germs and bacteria are unable to transfer from the table to your silverware. This can greatly reduce exposure to harmful germs or bacteria from entering your body and causing illness. FreakWare adds more safety while eating out. All FreakWare products are BPA Free and dishwasher safe to give you the cleanest and safest use.

About the Inventor
My name is Cole Clark, and I am 16 years old. I consider myself an inventor who has always wanted to help the world in a positive way. When I was 14, I began designing FreakWare after I went to a restaurant and saw them "clean" our table with the nasty rag they used all day. Regardless of the restaurant, my mother would alway use a paper napkin or sugar packs to elevate her silverware off the table top. However, so many people touch and handle those same sugar packs and paper napkins, which grossed me out and I knew that there must be a better way. Therefore, I spent my entire summer working to earn enough money for a 3D printer and designed my first prototype. The first few versions were terrible, but I went back to the drawing board, and asked for advice from my dad. This is the final product seen before you, and I am ecstatic to be able to share it with the world.
Enjoy Peace In Public,
Cole Clark

Is FreakWare dishwasher safe?
All FreakWare products are BPA free, hypoallergenic and dishwasher safe.

Yes, FreakWare uses magnets to both hold the silverware with a small magnetic force and to keep them together for storage.
Why does FreakWare have Magnets?

Will FreakWare get dirty in a pocket?
Not if you use the complimentary container for every FreakWare.